Sunday, May 24, 2009

Resource Web Portal for serious Digital SLR Enthusiasts

Pergh...pjng giler title nie...keh3..
Nie nk cite..hasil dr kite sign up sony double exposure nie..rupe2nyer ade link yg membolehkn kite blaja dgn lbih detail ttg DSLR excited...ho3

Okies..News kali nie..baru2 nie kite tgk kat TV..ade contest / Program reality TV named : SONY DOUBLE EXPOSURE..
Program Synopsis : (yg dpetik dr w/site double exposure) =)

A recruitment campaign will be organized and a total of 30 contestants will be recruited. The criteria of contestants should comprise people of different race, gender, character, fashion sense in order to create more spices and drama throughout the race. All contestants must be amateur photographers. 1 or more representative from Vertex Music will assist in selecting the contestants but the final decision will be made by representative from Sony. Contestants should be able to fully commit for 3 months (not exceeding this number) for this competition. Photography seminars will then take place before the official start of the race. All the contestants will then randomly be group to pairs to kick off the competition. Every week there will be groups eliminated from the race until the final 3 contestants are born on the final week.

Every phase professional photographers cum judge will be throwing out themes for the contestants to compete. Every group will then be required to produce a series of 5 photographs for every theme given. Towards the end of every episode the contestants are given time to explain and express their idea for every photo taken. The judge will then take all aspects into consideration and decide which group will be eliminated from the race. The 10 minutes result show will take place in a separate day of the week.

New Shot A200

here is my shot..this pic captured by my Olympus it...


Slm..Dh a few days x update...latest news..baru2 nie kite reg 1 forum called Velocity Forum...Ok la..Wat u have to do is..reg/sign-up & upload photo...nnt ade viewer yg akn view pic kite & maybe they will comment on your photo..from there we can improve our skill in photography...hu3..mcm pic yg pnh kite post kn..ade yg komen & tny kat mane kite captured pic tu..comment2 yg diberikan mmg beri lesson yg baik..cume kite kene xplore lebih based on comment yg kite dpt...