Sunday, May 17, 2009

New Info...Type of FILTER...

GENERAL INFO ABOUT FILTER yg baru aku tau...ho3..

Filter Effect
Red This tends to have a dramatic effect in that a red filter lightens the yellows and reds while darkening the blues of the sky. By doing this, a dull photograph jumps to life. Red filters are ideal for "moonlight shots" during the day and for clouds in an impending storm. But note that a red filter will not be appropriate for low-light conditions or active subjects because it blocks the light by three stops, making proper exposure difficult.
Yellow Most popular type of filter for b&w, particularly for landscape photography. A yellow filter darkens a blue sky so white clouds appear with greater brilliance.
Orange Darkens blue even more than yellow filters to create a very dramatic cloud atmosphere in landscape pictures. Orange filters are also the most popular for magical effects.
Green Makes greens lighter and reds darker. Hence, in landscape shots or close-ups, leaves would look brighter while red flowers seem darker.
Sky light/Ultraviolet This filter acts as an excellent lens protector and also as a transparent layer filter that will absorb ultraviolet light.