Wednesday, February 09, 2011

Our Pengapit...


entry:kawin sudah...

short entry jer...

just wanna say slmt pengantin baru to pengapit merangkap cousin hata...
dlm masa yg same kami jadi photographer x rasmi & x profesional sbb die x pggl profesional photograher blah llaki..its ok la..janji ade gmbr kenangan ...cantik x cantik tu blkg cerita...hu3

so layan la a few pic yg nk aku kongsikn...
the pengantin...
nie theme kaler blah lelaki..
nie plk blah pempuan...

hata plk jd pengapit pengantin..hu3

hata & my little Qaisara.. =)

so far the ceremony is going smooth..
just hata & s few relative kene cirit birit..x tau mknn ape yg dimkn smp jd mcm tu...
secocok jgk la hinggap kat punggung hata sbb mcm dh teruk sgt...
ksian hata..thats y aku berusaha jgk tukar off day isnin aritu...hu3
