Monday, June 25, 2012

KB Mall & Ikan Bakor...

As Salam
entry : jln & mkn

Smlm pkol 10am aku, hata & my Qaisara kuar g mydin...hajat hati nk mkn ikan keli bakooo...huhu..Alhamdulillah tercapai hasrat nk mkn...but smlm mood my Qaisara mcm ade yg x kene...gile takut nk gi kat area ikan2..peluk hata kuat2 xmo lps...pandang gitu2 jer ikan yg bersusun..[tetibe rase pelik]..

Lps mmbli bahan2 kat Mydin Kubang Kerian..hata ajak gi KB Mall..sbb nk belanja BDay Gurl kek kat Secret Recipe [katenyerr] aku pulak not in mkn kek mood...[sbb nk smpn space perut utk ikan bakor..eheh] aku just ajak mkn Mc.D chicken foldover jer..
My Qaisara with her fries.. =)
Our chicken foldover
-aku amik 1 set jer sbb nk smpn space pny pasal..hoho...-
kesian my Qaisara...
dh ready nganga..ibu plk hold smate2 nk berinterprem..kiki

My Qaisara langsung xmo mkn chicken Foldover si ayah pon gagah la gi bli cheesy wedges kat KFC...
Beraksi dgn plastik bag KFC..huhu
Tgk jer...jugakkkkkk!!!!
che mek nie mcm xde mood jer nk mkn her favorite wedges...
ibu & ayah jgk yg kene abiskn..

Lps mkn kami pon konon2 nk bergerak la keliling KB Mall nie..skali hata dukung then letak semula che mek berdiri...apesal????

Skali hata said..seluar Qaisara basar lenjun...aku rase plk..ehhhh..btol la..xkn bocor kotttttttttttt...

1 hal plk kelam kabut sang karibut gi FOS carik suar rege rm13..ho3..suar2 kat FOS kan byk yg murah2..kalo buat sluar emergancy ok jer..huhu..lps bli trus g sedey dowwhhh..xdok baby room terpampang la che mek aku kat sink air tuko seluar...hoho

Then pusing suku round trus blk sbb memikirkn Qaisara sleep time dh lebih limit...last2 my Che mek tdo kat dlm kete...smp2 umah my MIL & FIL dpt la aku tdo sround dgn my Qaisara...pkol 4:30pm kami dh start membako....then pkol 5:30pm...mkn..lunch merangkap dinner sbb my FIL x bleh mkn mlm utk control his HB...huhu
Our Ikan Keli Bakarrr...

Ini la activity weekend aku..nk celebrate bday aku rase mcm xperlu dh sbb yg lebih penting now is my Qaisara...huhu..

Bday present???
I'm not ready to story abt it yet..nnt dh dtg mood angin sepoi2 nk story pasal mende nie..aku story yer....this time xde mukadimah2 dh..aku direct story jer ye..huhu
