Jun 2, 2012

Cuti Ganti...

As Salam

entry : bestnyer...!!!

situation :Berblogging di waktu dinihari...

nk update siket jer..pepagi nih... =p
Smlm time tgh syiok layan khabi kushi khabi Gham kat ytube ~ ade sorg customer kol tny operation time kami utk 2day...its Agong bday kannn...so mmg majority kedai2 tutup...but we open 2day..sbb 2day is the last day in dis week for all member to maintain...[aku mls nie story pasal maintain nie sbb explanation die berjela..bia aku aje la yg tau ek..kiki]

bile aku dh letak ganggang...mek pon btau..."niza..esok kite bukak kan...pahtu kite cuti ahad & isna [isnin]...Gan bg cuti kat niza..replacement sbb kijo esk.."

aku pon tny blk.."ye ke mek?" [dlm hati rase nk lompat kijang kat depan Mek..haha]
aku x kesah pon kalo keje..sebab half day jer kannn..tp nie kan bday Agong...kang buatnyer terkantoi suh keje..tp x bg replacement cuti peristiwa / x bayo lebih..kan susah???

B4 blk smlm pon Richard remindkn aku skali lg..~ ok..noted bos...hoho..

terus gmail hata btau berita nie..
dlm kepala dh ligat berpk...ape nk buat cuti 2 hari stgh nie...???hihi
