2nd day aku update blog..ho3..
mlm td aku & uppa mkn kat uptown d'sara..kotiaw grng & ns grng cino + yong tau foo..sdp..murah pon murah. sume mknn tu + 2 air x smp rm15 pon..ho3..smlm uppa ade shoot kat ihm (institute healty m'sia)..result of the pic..ok..flash x function..sbb bateri kot..but after die turunkn shutter speed & aperture. pic ok jgk la..
Smlm bwk laptop g opis..perghhhh..best gile sbb suddenly opisnyer wifi allow me to d/load some song from jiwang.org. even w/site tu x byk sgt update lagu..but ade lagu yg aku nk..aku jgk berjaya dgn jayanyer menginstall AVG antivirus..laptop aku nyer anti-virus ade error..so kene re-install..thx wank...ekekeke

This sat(010809) is k.rina wedding day..aku mmg nk g..but k.nik dh ade prgm lain plk..adoiiii..
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