Aug 17, 2009


..."ok x kete...??ok...ok dh msok dlm kotak parking..."
so..aku & uppa pon dh ready nk kuar kete..suddenly ade 1 ppn nie..
(rupe ade..umo nmpk mude lg..appearence..short khakis..t'shirt..& cab..)
Lalu dpn kete kami..tgk2 arah kami..then suddenly g duduk kat seat moto uppa..she's look like waiting 4 somebody...she stand just beside our uppa site..looking at both of us..mgkn tggu tuk kiteorg kuar kot..
aku pndng uppa..then kiteorg tkejut bile that gurl knock at uppa mirror ask for 30cent coin..
aku dh x sedap hati..saje bg signal tgn btau xde..
uppa plk bleh nk bukak tingkap utk ckp xde...
ape lg...kene la penyengat aku..ek3
ppn/llki zmn skrg jgn pcaye sgt..mlm2 nk wat ape 30sen??muke mcm tgh "layan" jew..

cpt2 aku mnt uppa kuar smule dr parking pusing kwsan umah..time kiteorg gerak..she look at us..dlm 5meter gituw..that gurl pon blah..kiteorg x kmana pon..just g pusing ikot blok blkg jew..nk slmtkn diri..ek3

Mujo la that gurl x tggu..cpt2 paking & msok umah..

Aku jd blur kejab..
knp dgn that gurl..?
Btol ke die tgh susah??
td time smp kat simpang umah mmg aku ade nmpk that gurl jln sorg2 dr arah blkg flat blok B (umah aku blok C)..mgkn dr flat blkg kot..time jln nmpk ok..xde nmpk mcm susah hati pon..siap bleh btol2 kn topi nyonya die lg nk bg + cantik..

Bkn aku xmo aku takut jd ape2..kdng2 org bleh buat mcm2 tuk kpentingan diri sndiri..
Kite yg niat nk tlg nie yg jd mangsa dieorg...
so mcmane tue...???