Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Aku Desperatekan itu...



aku rase mmg dh betol2 pentoi la ttg DSLR neh...tiap kali tgk pic2 yg disnap dr mr.yaman bulu rom aku akan naik & rase mcm time2 tu jgk nk gendong DSLR n g snap gmbr...

kemaruk yg melebihi tahap kemaruk time aku bercinta cintun dulu...hah!!! suda..camne tu?? sape nk tolong aku neh..???

mmg skrg aku sgt..sgt..sgt desperate nk learn abt composition & angle...

what is the best composition.. so when people see the picture they will automaticly know what it is....
wat is the beautiful angle so the picture have their own story to tell to the people who see it...(xtau la btol ke x speking aku neh..hentam ajo..ki3)

dh lama aku x update tips2 photography kat blog neh kan??? dolu2 time mule2 bukak blog neh slalu jer aku update tips2 tuh..actually mende tu aku kene study dulu baru bleh post..kalo post bodo2 gitu aku yg rugi..nk g kelas xtau bli & blaja sndiri2 la dr tenet..

skrg aku tau la sket2..nk snap perfect picture is not an easy as u see..u have to feel it..wah.!!! cam bagus jer ayat aku itu ilmu yg aku dpt dr sesi pembelajaran online.ek3

kalo kite amik gmbr dgn yg tgk gmbr kite akan lebih berperasaan..mcm aku tgk gmbr mr.yaman skrg neh.his picture ade feeling yg tersendiri...hu3

tp kalo aku yg baru2 neh nk snap gmbr kene lama2 kat satu2 tmpt tu..snap 2 / 3 kali baru rase puas hati..ho3..

smlm aku g putrajaya again...ask my SIL to bring along her little daugther as my 1st model..ek3
saje2 jer..nk tau mane taman2 yg best kat putrajaya nie..nnt xyah g jauh2..hu3
