Tuesday, November 03, 2009

4 Rules of Composition for Landscape Photography

1. Diagonal Lines


Using diagonal lines can be a very effective way of drawing the eye of those viewing an image into it and to the main focal point.

The ‘lines’ need not be actual lines – they could be the shape of a path, a line of trees, a fence, river or any other feature in an image.

Converging lines (two or more lines coming from different parts of an image to a single point) can be all the more effective.

2. Geometric Shapes


By positioning key aspects of a landscape on points of a geometric shape you can help create a balanced composition. Perhaps the most common and easiest way to do this is to use a ‘triangle’ shape between objects in an image with three objects in a frame positioned with one to each side and one more central.

Using Geometric Shapes in this way isn’t something that I’ve done a lot of – but it is one technique to get balance in a shot and if you’re clever, to lead the eye into it (in a similar way to the diagonal lines rule above).

You can see this illustrated (to a point) in the photomontage image to the right.

Self Portraits – 7 Tips for Going Beyond the Basics

1. Use the timer, or better yet, get a remote.

Most cameras now come with a ten-second timer. While this isn’t a lot of time, it can be enough to manoeuvre yourself accordingly. Just be sure to either use a stand-in or to focus on something at the proper distance or you’ll be fuzzy! What beats a timer is a wireless remote that will allow you to position yourself and then take the picture when you’re ready. Timers are a lot of fun for things like jumping shots!

Image by craigmdennis

2. Change your focus.

While you might normally assume a good self-portrait must focus on your face to count, you can make an ordinary shot far more interesting if you place the primary focus elsewhere.

Image by laszlo-photo

3. Try a silhouette.

A good silhouette tells a story and leaves no doubt in anyone’s mind as to what it is. A dark, featureless shape against a setting sun won’t interest anyone, but if viewers can see it’s a person they’ll be intrigued. It makes people wonder who that is, raises questions, and makes them want to know more.

Image by zachd1_618

4. Treat your shot like you would for someone else.

Pretend it’s not a self-portrait for a second. Look around your surroundings and picture what you’d do if you wanted to take a portrait of a friend. I took my children to the park one day as the sun was dipping low and the light was incredible. I nearly called them over to sit in the grass so I could lie down and take a shot of them from a low vantage point. Instead I decided to take a self-portrait – which is when tip number 1 comes back into play. My remote was very handy that day!

Image by sherina

5. Get Inspired!

You can use all kind of fun things to inspire yourself beyond the stereotypical self-portrait. Listen to music and if a line in a song stands out, try to take a self-portrait that reflects it. Re-enact a moment from a movie. Browse Flickr or try one of the numerous inspiration groups that give daily or weekly self-portrait challenges. It can end up being serious or silly, but you might be amazed at what comes to mind when you set out with a purpose.

Image by It's Holly

6. Keep your face out of it!

This is one of those arguments that, much like Mac vs. PC, gets people up in arms: Is it a real self-portrait if your face isn’t in the picture? I firmly believe that it can indeed be a self-portrait even if you’re simply showing your hand or your foot or what have you. If you don’t feel like having your face in front of the camera, show people something else!

Image by It's Holly

7. Bring the emotion.

I know that I just told you that a self-portrait can be more than just your face, but remember too that the face – and especially the eyes – hold a great deal of emotion and that can make such an incredible impact on a self-portrait.

Image by Nerboo



Huhuhu..Rasenyer sume dh tau ttg iklan POTONG P1 Wimax kan.???
Saje nk share reason pilihan yg ade skrg...


Hhmm..Sume org ade reason tersndiri kalu pilih pic 1st / 2nd..hu3
Tapi kalu aku...aku lebih berbesar tapak tangan tuk gune TM streamyx combo...
>> NO network sharing... >> NO Fair Usage Policy...
& 1 more thing...XYAH KUAR SMP KE TINGKAP TUK DPT COVERAGE...ekekekeke

Dlm umah pon bleh wat wifi svc..no limit for d/load atau upload..(sbb my uppa adlh sorg pend/load yg hardcore..=P)...Kalu nk kate modem tu portable rasenyer skrg bkn stakat starbuck / OLWC jer yg ade Wifi svc..Mamak pon dh ade svc wifi...ho3..sstgh bbd ade limited coverage & even ade coverage pon sometimes x leh nk gune sbb connectivity TOO SLOW...hu3..tp yg pasti korg sume musti ade reason sndiri kan..tu reason aku np aku gune streamyx..




This 15-17 Nov 2009 wan j grup akn wat outing ke MELAKA...rase teruja sbb g dgn dak opis...

Bab tmpt tggl jer yg jd issue skrg..smp sane kite nk g jln2 ...so if amik svc aprtment yg biase2 pon ok kot..janji ade katil..bilik air yg bersih & basic facilities...btol x..?

Skrg aku tgh mnt tlg muse adjust smule tmpt tggl...hu3..

So wait 4 the result soon ya..!!!

2day aku off & nk g msjd india..nk bli brg sket..
