entry-semangat sehhh!!!
Huh!!!..2mrrw early morning 2am da kene bgn tdo...mandi...bersiap..pkol 3am start enjin kete & gerak g puchong amik mmbr hata & race ke kl sentral...
kene make sure b4 5am dh dpt bas to LCCT...
thats is our actvty for hari jumaat...tetibe rase mcm berkobar2 nk kelik klate nie sbb nk merase g bazzar ramadhan dieorg..1st raye dulu x smpt nk g sbb time is too limit..lg pon rmai rakyat time tu..ek3..
so 2nite after settle sume..adlh sesi mengemas bagasi gergasi..ek3
xtaw nape tetibe rase mcm teruja smcm...terigt2 view & enviroment kat sane...FALL IN LOVE la with them...ek3.
so 2mmrw morning aku & hata dh ade kat bumi klate...dh plan dgn hata..ptg ig bazzar ramadhan..pas terawih kami akan g wakaf che yeh bli ape2 yg patot...aku plan dis yer nk bg laen sket tuk anak2 sedara but not sure yet wat it is...mane tau jmp time kat klate nnt...ek3..
Smlm hata said my MIL & FIL akan blk klate smule on thursday but not sure yet...
nota buat hata:
wahai hataku pucuk rebung..(xde kene mngene langsung itu pucuk rebung..wakakaka)
andai kata ayahando & bonda mu kelik kamis...
lagu mano lah ambo nok g jupo doctor pkol9.30am pd hari itu???
manonyo maso demo nk ule alik htr ayahando & bondo demo kat stesen bah???
demo tau2 ajo la deh..jale rayo kat umoh kite nieh...
jem dio doh x cukup roti nok bui kalu pagi...
ambo hrp demo fhm deh...
nie lg satu problemo...sah2..terang2..jelas2..x yah pkai lampu suloh dh dh buku/kad pink/merah tu tulis aku ade appointment dgn doc...xkn la x bleh xplain kat dieorg...nnt kelam kabut aku yg hagin satu bdn...
Aug 12, 2010
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