Tuesday, October 19, 2010

comfirm sudah....


entry : perlis trip..

Hhmmm...as per promised...td hata dh comfirmkan dgn client yg mmg kami kene g Perlis on next week 27th & 28th Oct(rabu&kamis)...

but my FIL & MIL x kasik aku g sbb risau dgn condition aku yg next week dh 36weeks...
haaiihh....kalu x aku sndiri yg temankan hata sape lg yg bleh temankan die?..aku x mo hata drive sesorng dr perak to perlis...aku sndiri pon x mo tggl kat kl nie sesorng...seriau siot..!!!!

so aku & hata decide tuk bwk my mak 2gather gather...
td pas sarapan...on de way to jmp client...aku kol mak..tny my mak if aku fllw hata to perlis bleh ke x..alhamdulillah my mak x halang just nasihat jgn lupe bwk my pink book, me & my bby clothes..just in case...trus btau aku nk bwk mak skali temankan aku...senang..at least ade yg temankan aku time hata g pasang poster tu kat sane nnt...

alhamdulillah my mak setuju & abah pon bg green light..ek3..aku x kesah if my abah nk fllw skali..kami akan amik apartment so 1/2 dibyr oleh kami & lg 1/2 claim...janji aku ade teman & hata x g sorng2...

aku pon kene htr email to TL tuk req off day & AL + req off day lagik tuk check-up on 2nd Nov dpn...

doakan aku,hata, mak & abah maybe....
slmt gi,smp & blk kl smule ye nnt...amin...
