Apr 13, 2011

HKL story : update

As Salam

Entry: update

Hhmm..bile nk mule update ttg my Qaisara nie mule la mate berat nk air mate...(Kuatkn smngt ni3za!!!chaiyok..chaiyok)

Pkol 10.30am - doktor btau yg my Qaisara kene amik darah sket n kene masokkn air sbb die xmo mnum susu or BF..nk pon dlm kuantiti yg sgt ciput..then lps siap cucuk jarum..hata pon smp..pkol 11.30am kami dh bertenggek kat x-ray room bratur tggu giliran..aku tgk Qaisara weak smcm je..

Time dlm bilik x-ray doctor siap tny..ibu x pregnant ye?(Dlm hati..knp ni???)-rupe2nye org peknen x bleh masok..then time nk x-ray Qaisara kene bukak baju..aku plk pkai mcm perisai yg agak berat jgk la dok pegang tgn Qaisara..x smp 5 saat kot x-ray...udah siap..

Then aku kene tukar ke bilik lain plk..

That time Qaisara kene msok oksigen plk dh..

X smp stgh jam doctor dtg..

Kene pndh bilik laen plk..nie btol2 dpn kaunter nurse..

Luluh hati aku tgk condition Qaisara skrg nie..paip sane sini..skrg plk kene tdo katil laen..biase nk tdo kene cium bau ktiak wangi aku nie dulu..(???)

Skrg aku kene peram dulu Qaisara bwh ktiak wangi aku nie..then baru ltk kat katil die..bkn aku xmo tdo skali..tp aku risau ter-over grk..kang tersangkut plk kat paip2 tu..

Esk aku update lg - result x-ray ok..

Baru aku tau pampers yg dh pkai b4 buang kene timbang then btau staff nurse..that is the procedur dlm ward ni..

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