Thursday, July 21, 2011

HP7 - Part 2

As Salam

entry: last...

Selase - aku g dating dgn hata dgn tgk movie terakhir Harry Potter....
movie pkol 12:15pm..smp OU pkol 11:30am.. =)

smentara nk tggu smp jam..kami g mround old wings OU nie tuk tgk either JJ dh bukak ke blom..skali lalu sane...majoriti old wing dh mcm summit USJ dulu2..seketul 2 aje shop yg bukak... :(..baru igt nk survey2 baju che mek & aku..hu3..trus patah blk g new wing..

then pkol 12pm g bli popcorn & chicken meatball...

actually aku terlepas part 1...then isnin mlm selase hata paksa aku tgk yg part 1 sbb takut nnt aku blur time tgk part last nie..ek3

the ticket...
chicken meatball new packaging
couple of the day...ha3

Best cite yg terakhir nie...
aku igtkn HP mati btol2 dlm cite nie...rupe2nyer mati sekejab aje...ek3

kesian kat prof snape..terpaksa covered HP dgn care yg jahat..but at last..die bleh dikategorikn sbg pencinta yg setia..ha3

puas hati la tgk... =)



Danial Jaafar 🇲🇾 said...

ha'ah, rasa terharu sungguh la tengok pengorbanan snape tu. perghhh....