entry: Jom try!!!!
dsbbkn dunia IT makin canggih...so aku pon cube tuk mncanggihkn die yg x seberapa nie..mgkn org lain dh tau lama ttg software nie...tp bg aku yg baru nie sgt la excited nk cite & share dlm ini blog...eh3
aku just dpt tgk cite my RAIN - The Fugitive Plan B through youtube dgn screen netbook sajo..sgt la x puas..eh3..so berusaha la aku tuk carik youtube d/loader so that i can d/load the series @ my new tv..eh3..boleh cocok USB katenyer...nk try la kan??beso sket view die..baru best..eh3
so here is the simple tutorial pd sesape yg minat nk d/load ape2 cite dr youtube..eh3
BUT the file yg d/load dr youtube berformat FLV...ini format nnt aku cite kat entry lg 1 yer..hu3
1 - Just d/load the YTD @ ....
2 - Open the d/loader :

make terd/load la cite pebret aku...hu3
BUT...time nk d/load nie korng MESTI kene ade internet connection la eh..kalo idak x payah le berangan nk gune s/ware nie..huk3
slmt mnd/load...hu3
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