May 29, 2012

Pls Show Me The Prove ~ FAILED~

As Salam

entry : ???

Baru sekejab td aku rase mcm nk g HQ & sinsing lengan baju...ki3

Last week aku ade siket bertekak dgn 1 of CSR HQ regarding on their new product launching which is related with new registration...the CSR said customer can collect their order @ MDC which is there had MDC pickup selection ~ cust can choose that one..With triple confidence plk tu..siap sindir2 aku ckp " xde sape ajar u ker?.."...ho3..gile berlagak sioootttt!!!!..aku mmg ckp direct..xde sape ajo aku buat pckg nie...jadi aku x tau & aku dh pon SALAH aku nk mnt tolong dieorg tunjukkn dekat aku care yg pong..pang..pong pang..explain x tau kepala ekor..aku? Blurrrrr!!!!

Ade customer dtg asked me abt the same thing...aku pon pong..pang..pong..pang la mcm yg CSR tu explain pd customer tu mati hidup smule ckp there is no MDC only can choose standard delivery or pickup @ HQ...aku mmg blur..then the customer show me on what he said..sbb die pon nmpk aku mcm....[???]

Directly aku kol PIC .....(nama dirahsiakan...haha)..PIC ckp ade..aku ckp xde...
Then aku ckp...mcm nie la try buat..kalo btol2 ade selection MDC pickup pls print screen & email it to me within 30mints sbb customer dh terpacak depan aku...[ckp kat tepon pon x guna sbb x nmpk mende..]

x smp pon 15minit PIC tu kol aku smule & guest what..[???]
"..Nieza..bad news...there is no MDC pickup selection...customer can only choose standard delivery or HQ pickup"...directly aku ckp..apesal CSR u ckp aritu boleh? siap sindir2 aku lg?..I mmg xtau so that u kene explain kat I nk buat mcmane...kalo I tau..I xkn kol u & tny mcm org bodoh...terus PIC sane ketawa kambing...end call.

U failed to show me the proved...full stop..

Kan senang ko ckp direct?? YES or NO...CAN or CANNOT..
aku nk explain kat customer pon senang...

so skrg dh clear..bagai terang lg disuluh...ki3

cukup la stakat nie aku merepek pasal keje...
next time plk yer..

skrg tgh syiok wat blog walking..
aku click jer blog2 yg appear kat nuffnang nie..hu3
