May 24, 2012

>= 15 minits...

As Salam

entry : crdt card

Arini aku nk cite pasal keje sket..hu3

Smlm staff MBF dtg utk topup paper roll...then die pon buat sket check up utk penuhkn syarat stp kali dtg topup paper roll tu..

then he detected that we use crdt card 4 times just within 1 mints for every transaction...keh3

mau nyer x terbeliak mate die...4 transaction = 26k++..hu3

then he advise us to slowly increase the use of each transaction...sbb takut nnt systm detect kad nie kene curik & refund will be hold for 2-3weeks...

bkn ape..he trusted bank pny systm mane tau kite nie bleh dpercayai ke x...ek3

Td ade lg order yg almost 20k...
harus la aku mempraktikkn procedure call back cust time keje dulu...
1 transaction for every 15mints...ki3

mcm2 prosedur bank...kad cust bkn silver / gold..platinum kot...kui3
