May 31, 2012

Monavie - Distributor Kit...

As Salam

entry : baru smp..lps sbln.. =P

Thari td around pkol 1pm ade 1 nom. dr eastern kol..trus aku jwb..the the guy there said : "kak..kito dr citylink nie..ado di rumoh x?rumoh dok mano nie?"

aku jwb : " direction.."
citylink guy : "..beta deh....banyoknyo belok kiri..belok kanan..."
aku jwb : " sy xde kat umah..tgh keje..."
citylink guy : "..kak kijo mano..?"
aku jwb "...monavie..kat bla..bla..bla...." [bg direction]
citylink guy : "..ohhhhh...kito sokmo htr baghe kat situ..xpo la..kito gi htr denu la..bakpo kak x buat alamat sano..?"
aku jwb : " baru je keje sini..xkn nk letak alamat sini..."
citylink guy : "..Oooo...."

end call...

Aku tetibe jadi blurrr...brng ape yg aku bli??..brng ape yg aku redeem..??
kalo drypers gune abx...kalo alibaba gune pos malaysia..[???]...blur sambil jantung mcm laju je mngepam...smpkn mek suh aku duk relax2...x lama lps tu baru aku trigt...last month aku register jd mmbr monavie...dieorg mmg gune khidmat maybe they just send me the distributor kit. every registration akan dpt x budget plk aku smp waktu gini...eheh..

Then pkol 1:20pm citylink guy pon dtg..
sign sini bungkusan pon pindah milik.. =)

Jom layan Distributor kit MONAVIE nie..huhu
Bungkusan itu...
1st hard cover..
the kit...
content inside...

Ape lebihnyer monavie?
nnt2 la aku cite ek...panjang cite die..ho3
