Okies...Nie satu lg contest yg baru kite tau tuk photograhpy...perghhh..mmg btol skrg sume org gile kan camera digital SLR...skrg ni dh mcm cendawan tumbuh yg menggila ttg DSLR...stkat nie yg kita dh tau ade 2 prgm ttg photography..cume yg CIMB nie scr rambangnyer...stp peserta perlu captured 5 best pic...send / email pd dieorg dgn sdikit description ttg pic tu...Contest nie ade 2 category dgn award yg diberikan :
Open :
1st prize : RM30,000
2nd prize : RM20,000
3rd prize : RM10,000
10 consolation : RM2,000
Student :
1st prize : RM10,000
2nd prize : RM5,000
3rd prize : RM3,000
10 consolation : RM500
Katenyer...100 pic yg terpilih akan dipamerkan pada pameran terbuka...
Care penyertaan :

1. | Find a worthy cause, and snap a photo of it. Or snap 5 photos of it. |
2. | Register for the competition. |
3. | Give the cause a title, and write a short description of it. |
4. | Upload your photos and you're done. |
Judging Criteria :
All entries will be scored on the photos (80%) and description (20%).
The best photo submitted will be judged based on its:
. originality
. composition
. exposure
. 'impact'
. aesthetic quality
. framing
. ability to portray the needs of the cause
. and consistency with the Contest and the Foundation's 3 pillars.
The description should be original and concise. It should describe the cause and tell a compelling story.
Contest berakhir pada 31 July 2009
Haa...so..sape2 yg berminat bleh la participate...hadiah saguhati pon dh ok...ho3

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