Early morning 26 DEC 2009..Me, mr.hata & yie will watching a movie AVATAR..3D lg..ek3.
Aku xtau satu habuk pon ttg cite nie..sbb mmg x tergerak nk tgk..tp mr.hata nk jgk jgk jgk tgk...so i will follow you..har3
So..nnt aku story ape cite sbnrnyer AVATAR ini..hu3
***hrp2 wan j will fight for me abt the matter..its not my fault..there is no communication abt it..when i saw the email i feel so lega..but still not satisfied..adakh die xtau ttg itu? you are newbies & i knew it..but u must know more than me because its your field not mine..amin..***

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