Setelah skian lamanyer aku nk apply..baru skrg dpt buat..ek3
Arini aku & mr.hata akan g tmpt kat title blog aku kali nie..ek3..nie sume MUSE pny psl sbb die yg ajak aku g s'pore FEB 2010 nie..pastu tukau plk g bandung bln 4...eh3..kang aku cite ttg vacation..nie nk story ttg JABATAN IMIGRESEN dulu ek..
Aku baru tau yg jbtn nie ade kat wangsa maju jer..dekat bangat dr umah kami..Kat sri rampai ajo..td dh g survey dgn mr.hata..so esk pg kami merempit aje ke sane..lg cepat & x yah nk hadap jem..ek3
Sementelahkn ade promosi skrg..kami pon dgn smngat cuti malaysia & luar m'sia..ek3..
Skrg ade promosi..pasport dgn validity 2 tahun dgn byrn hanya rm1oo..tp mr.hata said the exactly validity is only one & half yer..same with 5 yer nyer pasport..4 & half yer aje..tp xpe..janji ade pasport..ade duit lebih nnt renew la yg 5 tahun kan??bkn kaye bebeno smp nk g oberse 10kali sbln..ek3
So kali nie aku nk share T&C tuk apply pasport 2 tahun nie :
Malaysia Passport of 32 pages for validity 2 years
Last Updated (Monday, 23 November 2009 22:55)
Type of Application :
Malaysia Passport of 32 pages for validity of two (2) years could be issued for the following categories :
New Application Renewal Application
However, for case of lost/damaged passport or deferred is not entitled under this category.
Where to apply :
Any nearest Immigration Offices including Immigration Headquarters, Putrajaya and Malaysian Representative Offices.
Passport Validity :
Valid for two(2) years from the date of issued.
Fees :
RM100.00 for all types of category except handicap or disable person on the condition that they produce a letter from the Welfare Department.
* please print on both side of an A4 paper* printing on two pieces of paper will not be accepted
Requirement lain cam biase :
> fotostat ic..
> gmbr saiz pasport..
> salinan surat beranak..in case if cip ic kome xleh dbace oleh reader dieorg..hu3..
So nie form yg aku kene isi :

esk if dh berjaya kami wat pasport aku update lg k..

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