May 11, 2010

My 1st Award...


entry - my 1st award...

Thx to danial 4 dis award..terharu seh...ek3

org 1st dpt mmg jakun bile dh jakun dpt award mule la x reti & xtau nk kecek gapo..speechless bak org putih..hu3

tapi bile dh kel ade plk soklan kene sile semak jwpn saye...ek3

1. Thank and link the person that give you the award :
awai2 den dh thx to him..hu3

2. Pass this award to 10/20/30/all bloggers you've recently discover :
nie soklan aku jwb nnt bleh??? skrg xleh pk la speechless..ho3

3. Contact said blogs and let them know they've won this award :
sama spt jwpn ke-2.. =p

4. State 7 things about yourself :
1.) Aku simple je..lately sgt mls nk beregek..ek3
2.) Berat badan dh naik...sbb mkn tanpa henti x kire dlm kuantiti sket / byk..ek3
3.) Sgt suke dgn dunia photography tp condition aku skrg not allow me actv in dis field..pas2 nie kot..hu3
4.) Sgt suke sama johnnys..kalo bleh & berduit every month tiap kali gaji msok nk g mkn sane..ek3
5.) Sgt suke gulai tempoyak ikan keli..pergh!!!kalo dpt mkn...kompom mkn smp kenyang..ek3
6.) Sgt jln2 sambil jln2 carik mkn..hu3
7.) Suka tgk movie yg 1st impression dh tarik minat aku..hu3

walaupon aku jwb soklan nie separuh2..janji aku jwb & nnt dh pikir sape yg pling interesting aku jwb soklan yg tertinggal tu ek???
