Entry : try & try again
Smlm & arini kami g kedai agak lewat sket sbb smlm hata & my FIL menemankn aku g interview keje kat one of mona vie stokis...stokis tu opening on April nie...
Interview gitu gini...he said he will contact me...aku x mngharap pon...sbb tetibe rase berat jer hati nk keje situ...hu3
Then this morning aku g lg 1 interview kat area bandar KB...kedai supply machine fotostat... I'm NOT Sales Gurl yer...jd admin sajoooo.....
Interview & bg resume...he said benefit yg aku bleh dpt..tiap2 tahun dpt bonus...x kire company untung / x..if company untung byk...kalo ade rezeki bleh bg lebih la...
tetibe aku rase teruja...keh3
aku x kesah pasal gaji..sbb aku tau standard range gaji kat sini brp..aku keje nie pon sbb nk start blk isi duit dlm EPF ++++ bleh la cover duit susu & pampers my Qaisara...skrg nie pon mmg kami mampu lg...tp as back up..aku mmg kene keje...x kan nk hrpkn duit hata jer...kannnnnn....?
tambah plk aku dh biase pegang duit sndiri..
so kalo nk shopping lebey2 tu...ksian plk kat hata...ki3
aku brharap dpt job yg kat kedai supply machine fotostat tu...
Kalo ade rezeki on 4th April nie aku dh start keje makan gaji smule...hu3
ksian plk hata kene handle kedai sorg2...but what to do...we have to....
esk pg aku dh blk Perak..hopefully hata kene g Perlis within this week smentara aku still kat Perak..bleh aku temankn hata g Perlis...blk Klate tu terpaksa la hata blk sndiri sbb tiket flight aku dh bli...
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