Mar 4, 2012

Drypers Redeemption...

As Salam

Entry : point

Igt x entry aku DEC last year ttg DRYPERS HAPPY FAMILY CLUB dulu???

Dlm 20hb ++ on FEB aritu aku dpt kol dr ABX nie tny either ade kat umah or x..that time kami kat dlm kete tgh mncarik *something...kebetulan time staff ABX tu kol kami mmg dh ade area trus lencongkn kete kesane & amik parcel nie...memula aku x igt..ape kebendenyer la yg aku dpt..bile pk2 blk,,baru tringat DRYPERS pny redeemption..aku letak kat alamat klate sbb katenyer within 2 months baru dpt mmg comfirm that time kami dh kat klate.. =)
The parcel & the contents...
dgn ponit2 yg aku ade...
aku dpt redeem baby toy, bottle pic frame & 12pcs pampers (L)...

ok la tu kan?
jgn x menambahkn koleksi mainan my Qaisara..pampers pon bleh pakai..jimat...keh3
then dpt jgk leaflet baru utk redeemption..dh ade new start collect point smule...hu3
