entry : dr India.. =)
Story dh sebulan baru teringat nk cite...(nmpk beno pelupa...ek3)
Bln Jan lps aku ade enter 1 contest nie... souvenir from India...end hujung JAN..
Then mid of FEB the contest owner email btau I WIN THE CONTEST
nie buktinyer :
Congratulations!!! You're selected as the winner of my 1st blog contest.. Yeayyyyy :D I'm so sorry for the delayed for the announcement. I am so busy at the moment with my final exams :( But, I promise you that I will send your prize as soon as I finish my exams.. ;) So, can you please give me your postage details: 1)Full name 2)Address Thanks again for joining the contest. Check out my blog for updated stories ;) Bye! |
Then aku pon reply la email tu dgn bg detail... =)
Within 2 week hadiah tu smp kat umah my MIL...
Baru turun dr kete trus my MIL tny..."orghe mano dr india bagi bare ko za..?"
Mule2 dahi aku berkerut jgk la memikir...lps tgk hadiah baru terigt...(jgn mare ye owner...ki3)
aku dpt ini :

"..nape chik tok lukih gapo2 dale nie??"...
aku nie kalo dh skali skala aje menangnyer...kalo skali dpt tu...harus la berjimat cermat...xkan aku nk conteng kokse2 (bkn2) dlm buku nie...huk3
siap ade stiker lg kat dlm..suke sangaaaattttt!!!!....hu3
anyway..thx to the owner sbb berjaya terpilih entry aku utk dpt hadiah nie..
thx again even dh sbulan x story kat ini blog..ki3
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