Tuesday, March 20, 2012

The Truth Of My Qaisara...

As Salam

entry : baby center

Aku subscribe club so they will update me everyweek about toddler developement...

tiap kali aku bace...mmg itu la yg my Qaisara tunjukkn...so from here i've learn how to know her...

skrg nie my Qaisara kalo merajuk sket mule la berguling2 1 umah...x pon baring kat tempat mane dannn je...ho3

ini yg baby center citekan...

"Your toddler is getting better at using her five senses. She may suddenly stop to listen to the sound of a dog barking, squat down to get a better look at the ants crawling on the sidewalk, or take delight in running sand through her hands. Whenever you can, get down on your toddler's level and play in the sand (or peer at an anthill, or poke at an earthworm) with her. You'll remember what it's like to see the world through the eyes of a child. "

Your toddler is learning how to get a laugh out of you and what brings your disapproval. He's studying your reactions, so now's the time to start teaching right from wrong by cheering on "good" behavior (picking up a toy and putting it in the toy box) and frowning on "bad" (throwing the toy across the room). And don't forget to watch what yousay and do. Your child learns how to behave by imitating others close to him. "

skrg nie my Qaisara dh pandai buat mcm2 signal...

kalo sakit perut nk poo poo - akan tepuk perut sambil buat memek muka mcm sakit...
bile dh poo poo - akan kepit hidung dgn jari2nye yg comel dgn memek muka busuk...
kalo mende jatuh / bunyi something yg pelik - akan buat muka tkejut / memek muka pelik...hu3

skrg my Qaisara dh bleh sebut mama . ayah. bagi , mandi , nenen , mamam....dll..ho3

just nk share..kadang2 kite terlepas pandang sudut2 yg sebenarnyer penting utk anak2...
mujor la ade w/site nie ( baby center ) sekurang2nyer aku sentiasa di remind kan ttg perkembangan , sebab2 & punca my Qaisara bertindak gitu & gini...
at the same time aku cube improve mother skills aku yg serba kekurangan nie..eh3
