Entry Wanita kali nie..ek3
Now kat OU de promosi ttg title kat atas tue..b4 this aku ade pkai try this porduct but its not suitable to me...i've chg to others..then td ade plk promosi
KOTEX LUXE..the sales gurl pon cite
pot pet pot pet..yg baru nyer product nie pd aku..the product is a
combanation of dry-net cover & cottony-soft...Hu3..tu yg mnyebabkn aku rse nk try smule product nie...siap ade
limited edition tin pack tu..ho3. Time kat OU if bli min rm18 cust have chance to win hadiah..aku pon x terkecuali skali lg..ho3..at last dpt panty liner jer..xpe janji dpt
So nie serba sket info yg aku baca dr w/site & blog dieorg :
Kotex Luxe*, the first ultrathin pad that gives you breakthrough Fusion Technology* combining dryness and comfort with just 1 pad. No more compromises!
- Fusion Technology*
- A revolutionary combination of dry-net and cotton-like covers to help you get the dryness of net and the softness of cotton.
- MicroMax® Core
- Super absorbent ultrathin core to help maximize protection.
- Longer Wings
- Provide better side coverage that helps prevent side leaks and stains
- Anti-leak channels
- Channel fluid within the pad to help prevent leakage all around.
Kotex Luxe* pads are available in : 
23cm pad length - Ultrathin Wing 5.
- Ultrathin Wing 20.

32cm pad length