May 30, 2011

As Salam

entry: iphone

Ari sabtu aritu aku telah berkampung kat opis dr pkol 7.30am smp ke pkol 10pm lebih gara2 title kat atas...sangat sangap rase badan...but the training class is very3..CLASS..!!!ek3..x mengantuk langsung..cume kesejukan bagai di dlm peti ais tmpt simpan brng2 segar..hak3

actually aku keje pkol 7.45am smp pkol 5.15pm jer..disebabkn trainer otai nie dtg ikot jam sndiri so training tu bermule la dlm pkol 1.30pm..aku igt bleh la abih dlm pkol 6pm mcm tu..skali..haaahh!!!..amik ko..mlarat smp ke tgh mlm dh...naik lemau dh badan..ek3

g training kali nie mmg byk mende kene study..rase mcm time study DIP dulu aje...kene igt itu ini..sume silibus tuk prepared final exam...pdhal nk prepared tuk cust tny & guide cust jer...huk3
ini lah die trainer yg sgt otai..mngajo pon dh nk bersile kat lantai sambil wat demo..trainer nie TL kiteorg jgk...mmg kalo seteng2 bab die ngajo nk ketawa jer...lawak x terlawakkn dh...hak3

so skrg bleh la blajo sket2 bab iphone 4 & i-tunes nie..seronok sbnrnyer blajo mende2 malangnyer this time aku dpt lg nk ikot perkembangan gadget yg baru...nnt la kalo ade rezeki b4 raye / after raye la kot aku nk merase pegang iphone 4 mcm x ntah la..ek3..ade rezeki bli..xde rezeki..blaja ttg die pon xpe..ek3

time training nie plk la my sis kat kg btau nk dtg KL..mujo la aku dh smp umah baru dieorg smp..kalo dak..berangkut kesana kemari la my Qaisara...ek3


Ice Cream Timbang...???

As Salam

entry: aiskrim..

ari khamis aku off day & telah berjaya melabur duit ke tutti fruitti...bdak opis aku berkali2 suruh g test...

so dgn rase nk taste nyer aku pon try la..not bad jgk rase die sbb ice cream tu x manis sgt..just nice..ek3

aku amik flavor choclate & green apple...
topping aku main amik jer serba sket..jgn x merase..ek3
jom layan..ek3

jadi...disebabkn ice cream nie agak kene makan smp ke titsan terakhir...jadi ini la hasilnyer :
keh3..byk tu td dh rm13++
rasenyer kalo nk mkn lg tggu hata dpt durian runtuh la...
kalo stakat tggu pymnt biase & gaji aku...

sedap jer sbnrnyer....ek3


Pening Dowh!!!!

As Salam

entry:pening lol...

Penin dowh aku dgn link URL blog neh...nk subscribe kat google reader pon dh bertukar2 jadik blog org lain plk..ntah ape pentoinyer aku pon xtau la..terpaksa plk aku tukar URL site nie tuk re-subscribe tp still blog same jgk yg siot jer...

dah aku x dpt nk wat ape2 dh dgn google reader nuh...
bengang gile dowh!!!! camne aku nk buat pon dh xtau dh...dh la aku x teror bab2 gini...

ok la..
jiwa tgh kacau..nan ado mood nk story pjng2...


May 29, 2011

Milestone chart: 1 to 12 months babies

As Salam

entry:jom sharing2

saje nk share sket ttg perkembangan's very usefull to me..I feel so proud if i can share with all off u out there...ek3

Child's Age
Mastered Skills (most kids can do)

Emerging Skills (half of kids can do)

Advanced Skills (a few kids can do)
1 monthLifts head when lying on tummy
Responds to sound
Stares at faces
Follows objects briefly with eyes
Vocalizes: oohs and aahs
Can see black-and-white patterns
Smiles, laughs
Holds head at 45-degree angle
2 monthsVocalizes: gurgles and coos
Follows objects across field of vision
Notices his hands
Holds head up for short periods
Smiles, laughs
Holds head at 45-degree angle
Makes smoother movements
Holds head steady
Can bear weight on legs
Lifts head and shoulders when lying on tummy (mini-pushup)
3 monthsRecognizes your face and scent
Holds head steady
Visually tracks moving objects
Squeals, gurgles, coos
Blows bubbles
Recognizes your voice
Does mini-pushup
Rolls over, from tummy to back
Turns toward loud sounds
Can bring hands together, bats at toys
4 monthsSmiles, laughs
Can bear weight on legs
Coos when you talk to him
Can grasp a toy
Rolls over, from tummy to back
Imitates sounds: "baba," "dada"
Cuts first tooth
May be ready for solid foods
5 monthsDistinguishes between bold colors
Plays with his hands and feet
Recognizes own name
Turns toward new sounds
Rolls over in both directions
Sits momentarily without support
Mouths objects
Separation anxiety may begin
6 monthsTurns toward sounds and voices
Imitates sounds
Rolls over in both directions
Is ready for solid foods
Sits without support
Mouths objects
Passes objectsfrom hand to hand
Lunges forward or starts crawling
Jabbers or combines syllables
Drags objects toward himself

Child's Age

Mastered Skills (most kids can do)

Emerging Skills (half of kids can do)

Advanced Skills (a few kids can do)
7 monthsSits without support
Drags objects toward herself
Lunges forward orstarts crawling
Jabbers or combines syllables
Starts to experiencestranger anxiety
Waves goodbye
Stands while holding onto something
Bangs objects together
Begins to understandobject permanence
8 monthsSays "mama" and "dada" to both parents (isn't specific)
Passes objects from hand to hand
Stands while holding onto something
Points at objects
Searches for hidden objects
Pulls self to standing,cruises
Picks things up with thumb-finger pincer grasp
Indicates wants with gestures
9 monthsStands while holding onto something
Jabbers or combines syllables
Understands object permanence
Cruises while holding onto furniture
Drinks from a sippy cup
Eats with fingers
Bangs objects together
Plays patty-cake and peek-a-boo
Says "mama" and "dada" to the correct parent
10 monthsWaves goodbye
Picks things up with pincer grasp
Crawls well, with belly off the ground
Says "mama" and "dada" to the correct parent
Indicates wants with gestures
Stands alone for a couple of seconds
Puts objects into a container
11 monthsSays "mama" and "dada" to the correct parent
Plays patty-cake and peek-a-boo
Stands alone for a couple of seconds
Understands "no" and simple instructions
Puts objects into a container
Says one wordbesides "mama" and "dada"
Stoops from standing position
12 monthsImitates others' activities
Indicates wants with gestures
Takes a few steps
Says one wordbesides "mama" and "dada"
Walks alone
Scribbles with a crayon
Says two wordsbesides "mama" and "dada"

happy reading...


May 25, 2011

My 1st Trial Blouse...

As Salam

entry: 1 more -from my new sewing machine..

Smlm blk keje awal..aku dgn smangat sambung jahit yg testing blouse...ek3

then mlmnyer lps maghrib g JJ jab tuk bli my Qaisara pny walker & rocker...terpaksa jgk bli sbb itu che mek skrg sgt actv..kesana & kmari....ek3

smp umah my che mek tdo..aku hangkut die letak dlm bilik with her ayah...& aku plk samb. siapkn trial blouse aku nie...stelah hampir berpeluh ketiak...berpinar2 mate mngadap mesin jahit...

Jadi ini lah hasilnyer!!!!...x berapa nk perfect sgt..sbb i'm aku still bleh pakai tuk g keje..huk3

tengkuk baju agak seksi..seksa sket sbb tersilap calculation..ek3

nie plk my Qaisara pny mini gaun...
aku pilih kain2 yg murah aje dulu sbb nk dijadikan tester...
kang bli kain yg cantik2..
x jadi...membazir duit aku jer..hik3
(bkn kedekut budget..hik3)

okies..that all for this afternoon...
ptg kang bli keje nk g kedai jahit jab nk bli tapak mesin tuk wat jahit kedut2 tuk my Qaisara pny gaun...ek3

tetibe rase nk wat 1 ruangan tuk masih dlm pertimbangan...(????)


May 24, 2011


As Salam

entry:jom beli...

Smlm lps keje aku ajak hata merempit ke Kamdar - Chow Kit sbb aku dh lama nk g bli kain cotton kat sane...sbb my opismate btau yg cotton2 kat situ mmg cantik2 & harga pon berbaloi..

so dgn berbekalkn saki baki duit..aku pon berjln la ke lvl 3 / 4 kot kat dlm kamdar tu...mule2 igt nk carik cotton yg biase2 pk blk nnt rase x berbaloi pny pk..round pny round aku pon amik la cotton yg ok...mmg byk choice yg mmbuatkn aku jd rambang mate..hata plk pening kpale sbb aku byk bertny..ek3

nie la cotton2 yg berjaya aku grab...ek3
plain cotton - rm4.80/mtr
polka dots cotton : 12.90/mtr
mix cotton fashion...
nie aku x brp igt sgt rege die...
ade yg rm8.90/mtr, rm6.80/mtr, rm12.90/mtr jgk

sgt excited nk mnjahit gaun2 & baju tuk my Qaisara..nie silap2 hari bulan aku jahit tuk stock raye trus...ek3

rege kat kamdar nie ok la...berbaloi jgk sbb kain2 die yg aku tgk dlm resit nie is japanese cotton...sejuk je kain die...bile aku pegang...

pade sesape yg rase nk shopping japanese cotton...bleh la jenguk2 kat kamdar nie..actually aku 1st time tgk kain2 kat sini...biase kat nagoya je..ek3


May 23, 2011


As Salam

entry: jom join ini contest :

td time lapang sket saje2 jer wat blog walking & i found this just join it for fun & to win a prize from the sponsor..huk3

click image to join

pic yg aku pertaruhkn is pic below :
nie pic 1st May 2010...pic nie time kami student year 1997 sek men. & rendah wat re-union kat Teluk Senangin, Perak...mmg syiok gile time nie sbb we've been friends for 20 years ok...1st time re-union dulu (2003) - sume dh sambung blaja sane la...sini la..then re-union kali nie sume dh kwin..ade baby..yg x abih blaja lagik pon ade..yg x kwin2 lg pon ade jgk..hik3...smp skrg pon kiteorg still keep in touch kat FB..LOVE YOU ALL'S SO MUCH...we can't find other friend who can cry & smile when we need it..but you guys & gals was always be there for all of us..THANX A LOT..

so if i win this contest.. i want this fashion :
sponsor by Droplet-House
it's so sweet lol....huk3

Blogger lain yg aku invite tuk join contest nie is :
cik Ira

hope u gurls feel free to join this contest...


I'm Dreaming....

As Salam

entry : Betul ke smp mcm tu skali????

Mlm td...
di waktu dinihari...
tertibe hata kejutkn aku dr tido & die tny knp aku mngigau teruk sgt???smp my Qaisara terjaga & mnangis...

x lama lps tu hata suruh aku bc ayat kursi & selawat Nabi bbyk kot...& aku jgk tetibe dgr bunyi org bc ayat2 mate nie x bleh bukak lagi...lena blk...

then pg td..time nk siap2 g keje hata pon cite la...
agak scary..
.tp aku rase mmg aku buat mcm tu sbb ade mende yg aku buat time dlm mimpi tu...

hata ckp mule2 aku membebel..then bile hata kejutkan... aku berbunyi mcm mermaid dlm cite pirate of caribbean...bile pirate2 nk sentuh die tu...dok sehhh!!!!sehhh!!!!!

tp aku rase time dlm mimpi tu aku dok tiup knp bunyi sehhhh...seeehhhh plk???

bile diigt2 smule..mlm td rupe2nyer mende aku mimpi tu mmg aka scary jgk la...

nie la padahnyer kalo terlalu penat...mmg smp terbwk2 ke mimpi & terus mngigau...
pdhal aku dh bc doa tido & sgala bagai dh...sblm tutup mate smp peluk my Qaisara..ek3

**penah jgk time mule2 kwin dulu aku mimpi mnangis..rupe2nyer kat alam nyata pon aku mnangis dlm tido..bile hata kejut lagik aku mnangis smp peluk kejap my bantal bubu..huk3


May 22, 2011

Pirates Of The Caribbean: On Stranger Tides.

As Salam

entry:puas hati...

Aku & hata dh berjaya mngajak mate & badan melangkah ke hall movie title kat atas..mmg layan..kami layan cite nie dr mule2 kuar dulu..ek3

okies..nk cite sket ttg movie nie..:

Kapten jack nie smp2 aje kota london trus dpt rumors kate die nk recruit new crew tuk kapal die..pdhal die kapal pon nan org London nie x kenal kot jack sparrow nie smp dieorg tuduh si Gibbs tu ialah kapten jack sparrow...
then percubaan tuk escape dr kene tangkap dgn gov london tersilap perkiraan sbb tukang bwk kete kuda tu mgkn dpt lebih byk upah dr gov tuk die bwk kapten jack nie kene istana...
dan..dan jgk la jmp kapten barboosa yg dh jadi ala2 org kanan gov London...dis time kot kapten barbossa dgn kapten jack nie x gaduh sgt ttg x puas hati or ape2..bleh plk dieorg work 2gather-gather tuk dptkn silver bowl tu..
ok la..time dieorg nk berlawan dgn tentera sepanyol tu mmg ade la part yg klako..ek3
then jmp plk dgn aweks yg kapten jack pernah kecewakan...rupe2nyer this gurl la yg dok pkai misai janggut sgala pretending jd kapten jack sparrow..keh3
nie plk kapten blackbeard yg sgt2 kejam..konon2 syng anak la si angelica nie..rupe2nyer saje jer gune kn this gurl tuk jadi mangsa air awet muda...skali time jack sparrow nk bg air tu...sengaja je jack sparrow bg salah gelas..sebab UTAMA is tuk bunuh sajo si blackbeard nie..huk3
-rupe2nyer watak blackbeard nie ade lg cite one piece..(hata cite la sbb die lyn katun tu)
pedang yg penuh dgn sihir..gosok2..then wat gaja mcm blackbeard nie then layar dgn kapal gerak sndiri...die jgk la yg rampas kapal black pearl dr kapten barbossa...then kapten barbossa itu follow la si jack sparrow tuk bunuh blackbeard nie...time gaduh2..berjaya la si barbossa nie bunuh blackbeard dgn pedang yg penuh dgn racun...
nie plk si duyung yg sgt jahat...mule2 mcm wat muke seposen..paderi nie dh tolong smp nk mati last cite die tetap jgk bunuh si paderi nie dgn tarik die ke dasar laut...

so far aku rase cite nie mmg best..10 bintang la..ek3

nnt musti ade story mcmane kapten jack nk keluarkn kapal black pearl yg blackbeard rampas dr dlm botol sihir yg die amik dr kapal blackbeard...

kapten barbossa plk puas hati gile sbb dpt tawan kapal blackbeard...

si angelica tu plk jack sparrow tinggalkn die kat pulau dgn spucuk pistol..mcm die mule2 dulu...hu3

so sape2 yg suke cite2 gini bleh la layan...ek3


May 19, 2011

Lapang Sikit Dada nie...

As Salam

entry:my baby insurance laen ank kuar dr prut trus amin aku anak dh nk masok 7bln baru terhegeh2 nk register...nk wat camno..ekonomi aku & hata baru nk lapang sket...that's y la baru skrg nk amik...huk3

smlm hata btau aku yg mlm nyer kami akan g umah mmbr die tuk subscribe insurance Qaisara...

Jd...smlm mmg aku rase lelah sket sbb blk keje dh pkol 6pm..smp2 umah salin baju hata ajak teman die mkn...dh 6.45pm..then bg my Qaisara mkn plk...dh pkol 7.15pm..then dh maghrib...then siap2 pkol 8pm grk g kuar umah...

so smlm pegi la kami dlm hujan yg agak lebat jgk la ke sentul nuh...
pong..pang..pong..pang...sing up la aku dgn insurance nie :

baru la lapng sikit dada aku nie bile dh bli insurance tuk my Qaisara...ek3
agent nie mmg actv sgt sbb half cikgu kat sek rendah sentul tu amik insurance dgn die...
kate org..kalo nk amik insurance nie kene dgn agent yg actv..if amik dgn yg hangat2 taik ayam jer mmg susah la kalo kite nk gune card tu nnt...

mase tuk process application nie dlm mase 2 mggu...ok la kan??

so skrg dh x pyh susah hati dh...
nnt kalo ade rezeki lebih bleh topup lg amount monthly insurance tu...ek3


May 18, 2011

Jom Sewing...Sewing...

As Salam

entry:teruja dowh!!!

isnin lps keje aku & hata merempit ke chow kit tuk carik brng2 kelengkapan my new machine...gile jakun& rabun mate aku tgk2 brng2 jahit nie..kalo dulu2 ikot mak g bli brng2 mnjahit..aku wat dek jer...skrg..mcm nk tgk satu2 teliti bagai...ek3

then cuti smlm dh ptg aku g bli sewing box this mo moment aku bli yg biase2 aje dulu...
sbb benang dh byk...jarum pon..not mmg perlukan sewing box tu tuk susun brng2 mnjahit aku nie...

smlm jgk bli 4m kain cotton tuk wat gaun & mgkn my 1st kemeja...keh3

nnt dh amik pic sewing box tu aku upload k...

tetibe dlm kepala brangan bukak kdai jahit sndiri....sewing!!!sewing!!!


May 16, 2011

I Got What I Want..So Lets Try It Excitedly..keh3

As Salam

entry: excited siot!!!!

Jumaat Lepas aku OFF DAY so already make an-appointment dgn hata tuk g kedai SINGER..
kan aritu aku ade story pasal mesin jahit SINGER..

Dong dang dong aku pon amik la mesin model 2259 tradition nie...rege mmg bwh rm1K..aku org baru dlm dunia jahit menjahit x payah la nk amik yg advance2 kang trus hancur mesin tu aku kerjakan..ek3

so ini la mesin pilihan aku :So dgn semangat yg berkobar2 trus try buat..byk kali jgk la aku kol my K.Yang tny ukuran itu & ini..aku nie bknnyer x penah menjahit yg dsebabkn dh lama ku tinggalkn dunia menjahit nie...trus memory tu kabur2 jer ek3

1st thing yg aku try harus la seluar & gaun my little Qaisara..ek3

moment menjahit gaun...

the best result i ever had..
the pants...!!!!
!!nie pinggang seluar yg 1st time berjaya keh3
the kaki seluar :

Last but not least :
Pinky Pillow case hu3

hah!!! nie la hasilnyer...mmg gian nk menjahit pattern yg laen bile yg satu nie dh success..ek3
nnt kalo ade lg aku comfirm akan update...(lmnt dgn cpt je)hu3

thx a lot to HATA sbb support aku 200% dgn new field nie...ek3


May 13, 2011

Warning To All Muslim Women Out There....

As Salam

entry : mmg binat...

Last 3 day kot kecoh cite ttg makhluk nie dok syiok simbah asid kat org...
Yg dieorg aim PEREMPUAN MELAYU plk tu...sgt2 jahanam...
Then smlm aku tgk berita... polis x btau specifik sape yg buat..just ckp 1 kaum...MOTIF???
x bleh ke ko ckp aje trus kaum mane???(walaupon aku tau kaum mane...)
x semua org tau kaum mane2 yg buat..kalo ko least malay women out there bleh la beware kalo nmpk kaum2 tu...

nie td berita....
sorng lg ppn melayu kene simbah asid pkol 8.45am kat area wangsa maju...
tu dieorg simbah time that gurl dlm kete sbb die x tutup tingkap...

time hata btau ttg news nie...tetibe rase lutut aku mngeletar...sbb...
td pg time nk g giant batu caves..aku bukak tingkap sbb ntah knp tetibe x rase aircond kete...
dan...dan hata sound suruh tutup tingkap...utk safety katenyer...
trus aku tutup...skrg nie..kalo kete berenti kat trafic light & ade moto berenti kat sblah...mesti kepala aku statik aje tgk depan..x pon tgk hata buat2 mcm tgh bersembang...tambah2 kalo kaum yg satu tu...

knp la ade manusia durjana yg mcm nie...???
die buat tu dieorg x pk ke kalo mende tu terjadi kat salah sorg dr fmly dieorg???

aku pon dh seriau dh skrg nie...
dh la kalo keje pg on weekday aku merempit dgn hata...

aku berdoa agar aku & keluarga dilindungi oleh Allah swt dr segala malapetaka...amin


May 11, 2011

Mom & Baby Expo - 6-8 May 2011

As Salam

entry:ade tuah jgk aku nie yer???

story aku hampir lupe nk bercerita...huk3

mmg aku dh spend duit tuk expo kali nie mcm yg aku cite kat entry lepas2...mmg rase x puas membeli kat sane...sbb mmg rambang mate...lps settle membeli..sedar2 kat tgn dh ade 3 beg dh...tu x kire beg kecik2 dlm beg yg 3 tu...huk3
entrance...time nie sgt berkobar2 nk melangkah masok...ki3
kalo register kat sini...nnt dieorg akan bg kupon
tuk redeem bag yg penuh dgn voucher & free gift...
lagi la aku suke..keh3

b4 blk aku tergerak nk pegi skali lg booth nestle cerelac isi form gitu gini..then dieorg mnt dgr sket mini information dr pakar pemakanan nestle...lps ceramah tu ade la Q&A...siap bg brngan nestle tu lg...
si hata yg gile tekun dgr penceramah tu briefing...
nie la die penceramah tu...
kalo korng nk tau...
time Q&A aku dpt jwb soklan die dgn betol...
so aku dpt la tin nestum yg kat dlm tgn die tu...har3
berbaloi dgr ceramah sambil dpt gift...
x yah bli nestum tuk Qaisara..ek3

lepas puas round2 kat dua2 exibition hall nie..aku dgn hata decided tuk blk sbb lps nie hata kene amik my BIL kat nilai plk...

puas hati aku sbb dpt bli brng2 Qaisara...

smlm aku bershopping lg sket baju tuk my Qaisara...baju harian aje sbb skng cuace kan mcm panas smcm baju2 t'short mcm x sesuai sbb umah aku nie walaupon pancaran matahari x kuat masuk bahangnye tetap terase..umah ni nan ado aku blikn la baju harian Qaisara yg lubang...ok la kan???janji berbaju & walaupon berbaju pengairan udara dlm badan my Qaisara smooth...ek3

brshopping pon sbb ade org byr hutang..ek3

aku kayo!!!!!!!

siap berangan dh kalo ade pitih lebih nk bli mesin jahit...ek3


Jerebu weh!!!!!

As Salam

entry:mendung ajo...

Arini aku smpt snap pic view kat opis aku skrg...
Jerebu weh!!!!!..aku dh bersin berkali2 dh dr pagi smp skrg nie...
bunyi batuk sane sini dh kat opis nie...
sok sek sok sek kiri kanan...

slmt menjamu mate anda dgn view dr lvl 11 my opis...
ade news ttg kebakaran kat negara mane2 ke yg jerebu smp ke M'sia nie???

igt lg tahun 2005 kot..time nie..aku dh masok sem 3 kat PTPL kolej...tgh2 final exam sem 3 skali jerebu...jerebu yg smp ke tahap darurat...sbb dlm mmg jarak pandangan very2 limited...mmg majority student kiteorg pkai mask...(berangan jd doktor bedah jab..keh3...)dgn aku-aku skali pkai...smpkn kolej bg cuti sem 3 mggu...means percepatkn cuti sem sbb darurat last paper x silap kiteorg samb lps cuti yg pasti view die lg teruk dr view kat pic nie skrg...

kadang2 rase best plk kalo jerebu nie...sbb x panas...
yg x bestnyer...kalo ko selesema la..batuk la...demam la..& segala bagai la...ek3


SINGER menawan keluarga Bahagia...

As Salam


eheheheh...actually dh lama teringin nk x terpegi2 jgk ke kedai singer nie...aku x pandai jahit baju kurung or laen2 aku tau la sket2 gune mesin jahit nie sbb my mak & all my kakak2 side income dieorg dgn menjahit..kadang2 income menjahit lg byk dr gaji..mcmane tu??ek3
disebabkn aku nie mmbr opis mate aku offer aku try mesin model kat atas nie dulu...rege pon bwh 1k...berbaloi la kot kalo stakat aku nk blajo2 mnjahit baju my Qaisara & baju aku jgk...ek3

td dh msg hata btau nk g survey mesin nie...he said ok...

so nnt aku update lg la kalo jd g..mane tau dpt bwk blk trus..ki2

semangat menjahit mule berkobar2....


Alahai - Qaisara..

As Salam

entry: hospital pusrawi

Sabtu :30/4/11

pagi dlm pkol 10am aku & hata dh smp pusrawi...
so layan la detik2 kami :

nie time tggu giliran nk jmp Dr.Kamaruddin..

pintu sblh deco2 tu la bilik Dr.Kamaruddin..
bilik no.16 - nie kat lvl 2
deco2 dinding yg cantik... =)

check pny check rupenyr lung my Qaisara still x ok lg... ++ plk my Qaisara kene demam campak..mmg trus doctor tu ckp my Qaisara kene admit tuk futher monitoring...
Doctor tu ckp kalo admit kat sini die sndiri akan follow up my Qaisara...if nk g HKL smule kene g kat wad psakit luar dulu..+ mane ade doctor on weekend...
aku & hata pon pk pny pk pny stuju la tuk admitkn my Qaisara kan sini...bia la bergolok bergadai bagai...janji die sehat...huk3

jom aku bwk korng round2 dlm ward ar-raihan tingkat 6 hospital pusrawi nie....
kite mulekan dgn bilik yg berharga rm200/day...nk tercirit aku taip amount kene jgk taip tuk info sape2 yg nk g..bleh la survey2 rege bilik...ki3..(bkn nk berlagak ok..nie bilik terpaksa..kalo my Qaisara x kene campak xde nyer aku nk bilik sorng2 nie..baik kongsi2..jimat sket...)
nie la biliknyer...
my Qaisara kene amik bilik sorg sbb die kene campak
so x bleh nk campur dgn yg laen takut berjangkit...
si ayah yg excited je rupenyer...
pdhal tgh penin pk mcm2...huk3
my Qaisara 1st day condition...
muka merah2 sbb the campak...
mujo kene campak yg halus2...
doctor yg inchrg..
diet tu bkn BF yer...
tp bottle feeding...huk3
pintu kanan : pintu keluar masuk bilik..
pintu kiri: pintu bilik air...
mcm hotel plk kan???
bilik nie pon ade TV jgk...
siap ade astro lagik...
ade channel : disney house, movie star, national geographic
& ade lagi 2 - 3 channel slain dr basic channel...
me & my Qaisara...
last day 4 dischrg...
with her tokma...
kalo dgn tokma..mcm nie aje la stylr nyer...
burdukung sajo..huk3
Qaisara condition on 3rd day... jom jln2 kat luar bilik plk...:
main door to ward ar-raihan
the receptionist
broad tuk pesakit...
lorong ke bilik my Qaisara...
time nie tgh tggu my Qaisara wat fisio...
tv hall kat depan kaunter..
reading room
bilik nie kat blkg hata aje...
kat pic above...
nie plak playroom
left side - playroom
right side - playroom

okies...puas dh aku mngupload gambor nie...

skrg alhamdulillah my Qaisara dh sehat spenuhnyer..but still kene kuarantin dgn my MIL..die ade kat sini jaga my Qaisara smp end of mth...pasni pening smule kpala aku sbb pk condition my Qaisara lps htr smule kat nursery...huk3
nie la latest pic my Qaisara...
alhamdulillah dh ceria smule...
excited aku tiap kali blk keje...
rase mcm smp je umah trus nk peluk cium...
tp sokmo kene sound dgn MIL...
gi la mandi2 tukar baju dulu baru pegang anok..ek3

tu la...story yg nk berkepuk dh....

aku rase sgt2 hampa & kecewa dgn mende dh jadi..nk wat camno..dugaan yg ini aku & hata dh berjaya tempuhi...alhamdulillah...

within this week aku akan amik insurans tuk my Qaisara...bkn xmo amik b4 faktor kwangan tu x mngizinkn...skrg aku dh lapang baru bleh amik...

thanx to Dr. Kamaruddin sbb monitor my Qaisara...walaupon die just dtg 4 kali jer dgn chrg rm500 tuk svc doctor jer...

xpe la byr ribu riban skali pon janji ksihatan my Qaisara terjamin...lps nie sboleh mgkn aku x hanto dh my Qaisara ke HKL..
