Mar 17, 2014

Failed to Follow...

As Salam

Entry : Will try again

Jumaat..aku failed nak follow back any contestant utk my 2nd blog contest...Sabtu & Ahad aku mmg jarang pegang laptop/ insyaAllah today kalo free aku akan try follow uolls ye..

Untuk mane2 winner yang belum htr detail..hopefully uolls boleh hantar detail...

Utk prize, aku akan arrangekan postage within this week & next week sebab skrg aku kene tlg keje opismate sikit sbb die tgh on leave take care anaknya masuk ward.

To those yg dh bg detail, insyaAllah aku akan try sebaik mungkin utk arrangekan this week yer..

Prize masih x dpt nk direveal sbb my Qaisara duk perati sokmo hadiah korang...haha

harap sabar menanti yer kengkawan..hoho



Asha Lya said...

ok sis memahami..dahulukan mana yang penting dulu :)..

HoneyBee said...

as salam sis,

Qaisara jeles ler tu... =D

Azurah said...

okey sis