entry - tagging..
Ho3..1st time in my life spjg aku berblogging kene tag..thx to ira...sbb mau tag sama aku..ek3
Simple question jer..tp aku tetap hargai..ye la 1st time katenyer...of coz aku semangat nk jwb..ho3
okies ira..here is my answer...
1.Print Screen Wallpaper yg digunakan sekarang pada laptop / PC :

2. Tell us Why you like the wallpaper :
cik ira & sumer..i like this wallpaper sbb hata yg edit it 4 me as per promised..aku minat johnny depp..so die design la jadi gini..nmpk mcm x kene kan? tp ade aku kesah?? I love colorfull wallpaper..nmpk ceria sket..lg pon design nie mcm ala2 video clip lenka - trouble is friend..hu3..icon kat laptop nie mmg quite berterabor sbb aku x set ikot susunan..aku susun ikot suka saja..ikot yg senang aku nk direct click..ek3
3. Tag 10 people :
Here is the lucky people's..hrp2 korng yg di-tag nie sudi la layan tagging nie ye.. =D
kak lixa
kak sukma
cik ros
kak azimah
kak azza
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