entry-test power..
halloo...dh lama x story abt my new gear..last thursday aku off day n telah berdating dgn hata dgn ditemani oleh menatang yg ade kat ZOO Negara..kami smp around 10.30am..g awal sbb xmo bjalan kat tgh panas if g lewat2..ho3
Saje mau jln2..tp aku terkezut giler sbb the entry fees udah naik mahal gilos...rm25/pax for adult skali dgn tmn rama2 yg kecil beleh...pergh!!!..baru last yer pegi rm15/pax for adult..tp smangat new gear pny pasal..kami bayar ajo..hu3..
so here is the result...happy watching... =)

time nie aku rase lucky as beginner...sbb si belang tgh mandi & mngangakan molot die..ho3

sgt penat that day...even aku x puas hati abt the entry fees..tp aku rase puas hati dpt snap pic si belang tunjuk gigi die...ek3

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