Oolaaa...lately aku slalu pening..xde la lately sgt...tp since ofis bukak Q tuk blackberry...sume netcarians FENIN dgn promo yg product owner sndiri pon FENIN nk xplain..haihhhzzz...
tau2 aje la kalo tang org yg x brp alert dgn pilihan yg ade kat IVR..main pilih jer..
tu 1 hal..nie 1 hal lg..
td ade 1 cust..bli blackberry..2nd hands kot..model 8320 jer..but its ok as long as it was blackberry..who cares???
cust nie claim xleh nk actv blackberry svc die..skali check blackberry die SUSPENDED..!!
biasenyer kalo SUSPENDED nie either device tu kene curik / hilang so owner report la tuk suspendkan device dieorg..tu la bagusnyer security purpose device nie..hu3..tetibe promot plkkan??
ok back to the story...by hook or by crook the SOLUTION - cust kene jgk g smule kdai yg die bli device tuk tny device tu dtg dr negare mane..timur?barat?utara?selatan?
kelam kabut jgk aku carik ayat yg x mnyakitkan hati & menyedihkan cust dgn myatakan device yg die bli mgkn device curik / device yg hilang..org jmp & jual...who knows??
so moral of the story...
bli la blakcberry dr wakil2 telco yg SAH SAHAJA...sbb sah2 la device tu dh clear & u are the 1st hand use it...kalo dh jd cenggini camno? sapo nk tolong? g kdai smule pon blom tentu die bleh jwb ape yg aku suh cust tu tnykn...tp tu la soklan yg die kene tny...
arinie mmg aku kelam kabut dgn cust td..penin..1st time penin hadap cust blackberry sbb at the same time org2 blackberry ckp smlm ade cust dgn PIN blackberry yg same wat report yg same ttg device tu..haahh..sudah...ape nk ckp? tp aku x ckp la device tu mcm/mgkn kene klon ke ape plk..kalo die tau mau pengsan cust tu..aku plk mengelupur kat depan pc nk tlg kol 911...ek3

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