Setelah ditapis dgn pelbagai last aku dpt idea camne nk story ttg case aku dgn DSH & D'sara Polyclinic... =)
Mlm 11hb Jan...Mr.hata push aku tuk g klinik tuk check my P cycle..3months direct berubah2 after our 1st misscariage...mane la aku tau if mende tu x jadi within 2weeks age pon kene g cuci..nobody inform aku yg x tny??hu3
Then g la klinik khoo kat area danau kota...die dok bebel "biase la tu..perubahan hormon"..pale lutut ko..mujo free kalu idak smlm jgk aku g blk klinik ko tunjuk resit aku...
Then smlm aku dh x tahan sakit mcm usus kene pulas2.. On 10am gituw aku & hata g D'sara Polyclinic...aku mmg suke g klinik tu if sakit sbb mmg doctor tu very2 good svc..ckp sakit gini2 die akn check 1 by 1..x kesah byr mahal janji svc baik.. Cite pny cite die suggestkan aku tuk refer pd specialist..thats is better..they will check detail 4 u there..they will scan u...
kol 12am aku & hata mngagau carik specialist yg termampu..nk g kjmc dh mcm off way..
then decided la g DSH...melilau plk carik.time dh putus hrpn nk blk umah..alhamdulillah jmp...
Then baru tau specialist start on 3pm-6pm..amik num & came back on 3pm..
Smp2 kene timbang berat..10mints after kene panggil msok bilik num.2..Dr. ASMAH YUN..
Mcm2 rase ade..alhamdulillah sume ok..but doktor said mgkn ade lg sisa2 misscariage yg doctor will give you antibiotic & you have to see me again 1 month from now..
Kuar & tggu ubat..jln kengkang sket..sakit dowh..kikiki..
Then nurse annouce my name..byr can c my receipt...
Bia mahal janji aku tau ape yg jd pd aku & ape next step yg aku kene buat... (bkn dgr org tu bebel ckp its normal)...
Dlm card appointment tu tulis aku akn jmp doktor yg sama & date on 8 FEB 2010..ptg.. (nmpknye aku kene tebal muke lg req off day dgn loke)
Hrp2 sume ok after 2nd check up.. doctor have to regulizedkan smule my P cycle.. so ade ubat2 yg aku kene mkn till due date jmp doctor ASMAH smule...
Tu la story akuh...mgkn ade btolnyer knp rmai yg g private clinic/hospital..the svc ..the details & info tu lg baik kot...masa menuggu pon kejab kene berkepuk la note dlm dompet..kalu x...sndiri mau igt..mujo ade duit selit2 kiteorg..kalu x..tggu awl bln la..hu3
kalo la aku bleh claim amt yg same..kan best..

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