entry-pjgnyer cite akuh..
there is no time 4 me to update this blog within this week..
masa sgt jeles sama aku tuk update blog neh..bukak setakat blog walking jer..tu pon skejab2..ek3
2day aku& hata dh smp klate..tghari td around kol3pm..ek3
smp2 tlg my MIL prepare lunch..then kol 6pm kiteorg g PCB..ho3..
dh trcapai hasrat aku nok gi sane..adoiya...sgt ramai org disana..walau kejab tp aku ttp rase puas sbb dpt jgk jejak kaki kat sane..main2 dgn ombak kejab..snap2 pic..
ok la...
story the day b4 aku gerak g klate akan di ceritakan kmudian..pic sume x edit lg..penat dowh..
skrg time to spend my time with hata fmly..

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