Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Nak tunjuk belang ek???

as salam

entry : jgn la tunjuk pandai...

Arini & esk aku off day...
tp bkn nk cite ttg off day aku..

tp nk cite ttg issue HOT..kat opis aku arini..mule2 BB aku berbunyik aku mmg wat xtau je sbb aku tau tu email dr opis...then tetibe plk tergerak nk check BB..skali dpt email dr newbies...

pong...pang..pong..pang..membebel marah kn agent tech...(abih ko bkn bdk tech jgk ke???)

aku abaikn sajo sbb rase mcm email tu...dr email bdk yg x berpelajaran..yg mmg x profesional langsung...kalo ko rase x puas hati with that agent..Y NOT ko slow talk trus dgn die??..x pon htr email kat die...sound la cukup2 as reminder..nie ko pegi shoot email SAMPAH kat 1 tech dept...alamat nk kene makian puaka la dr senior2 kan???

mmg kiteorg dr dulu x berapa nk sebulu dgn bdk2 baru yg masok dept kami...makin berbulu ade la...eh3

pd aku kalo ko rase ko dh hebat sgt dgn tech SKILL..pls be profesional...kalo rase x mo answer that call yg xde related dgn job scope ko...pi la htr kat dept yg spatutnyer...yg ko gi telan jgk tu knp???pastu kene la mkn makian dr cust...pastu ko nk muntahkn kat bdk2 tech yg lain plk...MOTIF???

then x lama lps tu dpt email dr one of senior tech..mmg kene maki kaw2 la kan???
trus diam...issue nie x diam dlm email je..tp brsambung plk kat BBM group kiteorg...pergghhh!!!!..aku bace statement bdk tu pon..mmg hangin jgk la...sbb rase mcm ko shoot email tu utk ape sbnrnyer??? tuk tunjuk kebodohan ko / nk tunjuk kepandaian ko??? x paham aku...

tp aku x reply apa2 pon dlm email tu..mls nk layan bdk2 yg masih berpikiran mcm 1st lvl even skrg ko berada di 2nd level..eh ye ke 2nd lvl???

...hrp2 tahun dpn aku dh xde kat dept nie lg...
