Monday, January 04, 2010

Rahsia Bulan Kelahiran...Sejauh Mana???

Entry kali nie is entry yg biase anda sume dgr...
Tapi adakah anda btol2 percaya / kalu betol ape yg dikata terjadi pada diri anda yg dilahirkan pd bulan2 berkenaan... adakah anda akn pk.."eh..btollahhhh..."..atau anda akn pk.."kebetulan jer kot.."..eheheh..

mule2 aku baca artikel nie..aku dh pk..mcm2 aje dieorg neh..time kat kolej roomate aku siap hafal ciri2 org yg lahir ant bln2 yg ade..ckp je die lahir bln brp..tongak2 then die cite org nie gini & gituw..ho3.

tp ble jadi kat batang idong aku yg x brp mancung nie..hah..baru la aku pk berkali2..udah mcm ct sifir..dh berkire2..kebenaran/ kebtolan...

so renung2kn la...nk pcaya nnt org kate jgn pcaya mende karut..x pcaye mende dh jadi dpn mate...yg ye nyer..amik la mane2 yg bleh bwk baik pada diri kite & yg x baik tu elakkan..if boleh..ek3..

for more info abt klik : Rahsia Bulan Kelahiran




Kenapa Pentingnya SANITIZER..??

hu3.saje nk share info ttg title kat atas..sejak H1N1 & H1N1 2nd wave nie aku adalah slh sorg rakyat yg x ketinggalan tuk gune mende neh...bkn x gune b4 dis tp pas je H1N1 aku adalh pengguna tetap...smpkan sanitizer kat opis pon aku sebat jgk kalu akunyer sanitizer tggl kat umah..ek3

So..kat cni ade sket jer info ttg sanitizer..aku dh bace kat tenet tp maleh nk xplain..feel free to read more ttg pentingnyer sanitizer time2 skrg neh.

1. The process of putting it on your hands makes the sanitizer work against these viruses almost immediately. But it does not protect you against whatever you might touch next.

2. During a regular workday, using hand sanitizer three to five times randomly would be good. If you're sneezing or coughing, you should use it more frequently.

3. Whenever you go into a new room for a meeting or whatnot, put some on before and after.

info neh aku amik & edit sket dr CNNHealth ., ehow

tp at de end aku rase basuh tangan dgn air &sabun lagi mujarab tuk bersihkn tangan..ikot jer 6 steps yg tv dok iklan...ek3

DAN...kalu aku lebih prefer pkai hand dryer kalu kat opis or g washroom shopping kompleks..ek3
