Thursday, October 03, 2013


As Salam

Entry : Yes & No

Hari ini dr email dr baby center..katanye :

Your preschooler's branching out. Increasingly he feels secure enough to play a little farther from you at the playground. Sometimes he even turns away from you around the house. Two-year-olds sometimes make a big show of "rejecting" one parent and wanting the other to get him dressed, read to him, play with him, and so on. Rest assured it's a temporary thing. Act normally, even if it hurts a little, and the phase will pass. 

Bile difikirkn semula..mmg betul apa yang dikata...

Memang dr umur my Qaisara jejak 2 tahun..she choose her own clothing..nk dress up sendiri..skrg ni pun same..tapi boleh kira la brp kali che mek pilih sendiri sbb biasenye pilihan ibu mmg menepati citarasa che mek..kahkahkah...

Buat masa skrg nie both of us tgh try biarkn my Qaisara brmain dgn bdk2 lain kalo dlm mini playground shopping complex..(but kami akan mkn dekat tepi playground tu..)masih risaukn keselamatan che mek..

Independent sikit je bile aku dh siap2 pilihkn baju & seluar..che mek ni akan ckp nk pakai sendiri..alhamdulillah setakat ni..tapi aku x bleh harap lg minum susu sorg2 sbb ade 1 day tu...aku biarkn sekejab jer pun..(g masak air rasenye)..bile masuk bilik semula...aku tgk che mek nie tgh tonggengkn botol yg masih ade susu ke tilam macam tonggeng kicap dekat nasi...

Gile benggang aku kotttt...bile tny mesti jwb x tau..sabor aje la...

Bila bab "bedtime story"..setakat ni jarang minta ayah yg bacakan..mesti mintak ibu yg baca..(alhamdulillah..cara ibu cerita lagi best dr ayah..hahaha)..tapi skrg nie ade sesetgh page tu suruh aku story smp 4-5 kali..huhu...

Pada aku..itu ok sbb nnt esok2 blk dr school & che mek mintak aku cite ape2..aku mintak la che mek nie cite semula...walaupun citer dah rojak..tapi aku tetap biarkn che mek brcerita...sometimes its quite funny bile dgr che mek brcerita...huhu

Saje nk share info & pengalaman...huhu



Asha Lya said...

pintarnya che mek ;)

Farah Waheda Wahid said...

seronok baca pengalaman ni sebenarnya... thanks for sharing dear...

thisni3za said...

asha..Qaisara baru nk belajar jer tu..huhu..

Farah..sharing is caring katenyer..hoho