As Salam
Entry : YES IT IS..!!!
If you feel like you're doling out bandages (and make-it-better kisses) more than you used to, congratulations. You have a full-steam-ahead preschooler now. Two- and 3-year-olds get morescrapes and bumps because they're moving faster and in new ways. She's ready to ride a tricycle, for example, as well as "drive" plastic vehicles, chase after balls, and climb in more accurate ways.Tumbles tend to accompany all that speed because stopping is still harder than starting.
Update dari baby center...
Memang ini lah yang che mek lakukan skrg...
Kalu dlm umah jarak dari bilik ke ruang tamu ade la 15 langkah che mek tu che mek ni berlari...terus jadi 6 langkah org dewasa...
Mcm smlm..ntah ape la yg dimainkn...brlari dr dlm bilik ke ruang tamu...xtau masa lari tgk ape..terus x sempat nk break & langgar mainan..terus sebelah kaki masuk dlm mainan...lebam sikit tulang kering kaki sebab kene kat part kayu...bile aku nk bubuh minyak mengekek plk ketawa sbb GELI..dlm sakit2 pun bleh nk geli-geli...geram aku...haha
Dah pandai punggah riben2 aku & balut tangan...aku nie once che mek dah pegang riben mmg aku suruh Hata monitor sokmo...takut terbelit belit..nk mintak x bagi..nk ganti dgn mende lain pun x bagi...sanggup che mek ajak aku/Hata main balut2 mcm pesakit plk dr pulangkn...haihhhh
Tapi seronok tgk gelagat che mek gitu...mcm she explore something new..sometime new jgk for both of us (aku&Hata)..haha
Nak blk dah...nk kemas mane2 keje yg dh siap & yg kene siapkn esok pulak..hoho
Oct 17, 2013
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