Apr 22, 2014

Your Little Storyteller..

As Salam

Entry : Sharing Is Caring

By reading books and making up stories for your child, you've been priming the pump for storytelling. A 3-year-old may tell stories to you, his friends, his teddy bear, or himself as he walks, plays, or lies in bed. These stories can be disjointed mishmashes of some of the stories he's heard from you. Whatever their source or form, you should encourage tale-spinning. It's a sign that there's some real thinking going on in there

This is what happen to che mek now...

Yes..Yes..Yes...mmg skrg che mek dah boleh dibawak berkongsi cerita..sometime, perkara yang aku perlu bincang dengan Hata pun, che mek akan tarik muka aku utk tell her the story too...

Ade 2 small IKEA bear kat rumah..sometime che mek bwk masuk kete..then tibe 1 masa, che mek akan mintak aku pegang 1 & she hold another & bersembang or tell any story...

Alhamdulillah setakat ini masih mengikut perkembangan mcm yang perkara diatas..

Now dh pandai nyanyi lagu kereta kecil warna merah, ade sekor labah2, ba ba black sheep, nama anak Nabi saw and a few song dari MP3..

To those anak2 yang seumur dgn che mek, yg masih belum mencapai tahap diatas...jangan risau ye..she or he still akan reach this stage cuma mgkn lambat sini...same goes to masa aku risaukan che mek yg lmbt nk kenal warna masa umurnya 2 year ++..but Alhamdulillah akhirnya kenal jgk..hoho



Asha Lya said...

perkembangan terkini che mek ya sis dah pandai dah join berborak :)

Farah Waheda Wahid said...

tunggu masa sampai tika Ash nanti pulak...bha ha ha, kita tengok becok ke tak becok mulut dia...